May 26, 2020 05:03PM ● By Liz Spear
COVID-19 may have begun as a physical health crisis, but like their parents, children, teens and college students (or young adults) are likely to experience stress and anxiety caused by disruptions to school, work and life.
Oct 01, 2019 06:28PM ● By Liz Spear
It's always fun to catch a movie on a big screen in a movie theater when it first comes out, but there are many more movies to be seen in the comfort of your home by tuning in to free streaming.
Oct 01, 2019 06:04PM ● By Liz Spear
Between hectic schedules, ever-growing to-do lists, and caring for others, it can be easy to put self-care on the backburner.
Oct 01, 2019 06:01PM ● By Liz Spear
Whether you take shorter showers, reduce food waste, or make eco-minded choices at the grocery store, adopting one simple habit can make a difference in protecting Earth’s natural resources.
Oct 01, 2019 05:42PM ● By Liz Spear
By 2050, the senior population (adults age 65 and older) will be more than double that of the world’s youngest citizens, and the number of people living beyond age 80 is expected to triple over the next 30 years.
Oct 12, 2018 09:22AM ● By Liz Spear
Breast cancer. The simple phrase represents a complex journey thousands of women travel each year.
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