Council Member Plans 'Yes' Vote on Businesses Re-Opening in the City
May 25, 2020 12:27PM ● By Liz Spear
The Manhattan Beach City Council is holding a "Special Meeting" on Memorial Day to look into further supporting businesses in the city and South Bay.
Here's what council member Suzanne Hadley told Inside the Beach Cities earlier this morning:
"MB City has an important special meeting today at 1:30. We'll be voting on two items:
"First, whether to support Janice Hahn's effort to grant variances to individual cities within LA County like MB to reopen faster due to their positive COVID health data.
"Second, whether to support a motion by BOS Chair Kathryn Barger and Supervisor Janice Hahn that supports all South Bay businesses and restaurants to reopen under State and County phase 3 guidelines.
"I plan to vote for both of these items on today's agenda. MB's rate of infection is less than half that of LA County, and only 42% of the rate of LA City. LA County continues to experience virus hot spots that remain a concern. But MB is not one of them. Our rates have always been low, and they've not changed in weeks. In fact, we have had more deaths from drug overdoses (three last week alone) than we've had COVID-related deaths.
(2). MB has already met all the phase 3 guidelines for reopening. We can reopen safely in a way that protects our most vulnerable as well as allows our hard hit economy to begin to rebound. All our businesses are essential. It's time to allow all our businesses to open back up. I look forward to the discussion with my colleagues at 1:30 today."